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Manifesto vs Manifesto ? performance, concert, lecture, publication of Crash [Manifesto] and Italian Transhumanist Manifesto in a special issue of the magazine Rita Baum.

The performance and meeting is a clash between two manifestos, and two approaches to the development of culture: the Italian Transhumanist Manifest by Riccardo Campa and Crash [Manifesto] by Robert B. Lisek.



The performance and meeting is a clash between two manifestos, and two approaches to the development of culture: the Italian Transhumanist Manifest by Riccardo Campa and Crash [Manifesto] by Robert B. Lisek. The first of these postulates and physical and mental amplifying of human and crossing the limits imposed by our biological structures through the use of technology and unfettered freedom of scientific research.
The second is a critical study revealing the increasing dynamics and complexity of social forms in connection with the accelerating development of technology. Lisek shows like "life" takes on the status of product and is absorbed into the realm of technology, both for economic and security reasons. Crash[Manifesto] examines the processes in which "life" as a code becomes a new currency and operates as a new form of capital. In this view, change did not take place in an evolutionary and exponentially way, but have a discontinuous jumping form with many revolutionary critical points.




TRANSHUMAN project deals with possible extensions of homo sapiens, as well as the overruns and related risks. Extensions through the use of radical artistic and transgressive methods that arise at the intersection of disciplines such as artificial intelligence, bioengineering, and political and social sciences.




Performance with Lou-bot, G-worm + human factor
recent performances:


Italian Transhumanist Manifesto



Crash [Manifesto]

full text of the Crash{Manifesto}: lisek.art.pl/MANIFESTO.html

crash fuck



presentation of the project: Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland.

crash fuck


General research

TRANSHUMAN project deals with possible extensions of homo sapiens, as well as the overruns and related risks. Extensions through the use of radical artistic and transgressive methods that arise at the intersection of disciplines such as artificial intelligence, bioengineering, and political and social sciences. Robert B. Lisek invited the project's leading artists, thinkers and professionals from these fields. The project involves, among others: Giorgio Agamben, Makzenzie Wark, Konrad Becker, Ray Kurtzweil, Vernon Vinge, Eugene Thacker & Alex Gallowey, Marcos Novak, Jurgen Schmidhuber, Shane Legg & Marcus Hutter, Bruno Marchal, Christiane Paul, Anonymous, Bureau of Inverse Technology, Institute for Applied Autonomy , 0100101110101101.ORG, Critical Art Ensemble, Ubermorgen, Fundamental Research Lab, Yasmin Gate, Geoff Cox, Joanna Krysa, Martin Knahl, Mez Breeze, Michael Basinski, Riccardo Campa, Agnieszka Kurant, Przemek Sanecki, Emilia Wysocka, Dominik Podsiadly, Marta Heberle, Atama Pietrzyk, Kama Wróbel. Theoretical texts and artistic interventions have been published as Transhuman - a special issue of the magazine "Rita Baum". magazine cover: Yasmin Gate. More: http://lisek.art.pl/TRANSHUMAN.html


development: Robert B. Lisek
coding: Robert B. Lisek
performance: Robert B. Lisek, Marta Heberle
lecture: Riccardo Campa, Robert B. Lisek



produced by Robert B. Lisek & Fundamental Research Lab