
The innovation of the project consists in many things that we can divide into:


Scientific innovations

  • Portability
  • Flexibility
  • Theoretical Soundness
  • Balance
  • Independence
  • Small, Variable Structures
  • Design and Discovery
  • HyperConstruction
  • Corpus Analysis, Management, and Representation
  • Ontological Representation
  • Agent Negotiation and Collaboration

FACE is the original way to build a portable knowledge management environment in which user can build semantic relations and ontologies. FACE can be treated as an distributed Artificial Cognitive System.

FACE use weighted labeled hypergraphs and partially ordered sets for representing concepts and ideas. FACE use modern techniques for transforming structures and collections of documents: morphisms, retracts, probabilistic and induction techniques.

We are hopeful that such structures and implementations will be useful in the development of robust, portable environment for knowledge management, development, elicitation, and exchange. Methods to represent, manipulate and measure partially ordered sets have a great importance for networking, cybernetic, for AGI and many other novel problem area: appearance of large, combinatorial data objects. This allows using of original methods for transforming big corpora of data and complex combinatorial structures.

FACE, as opposed to other systems, is that its database is not a static entity, which sits there passively waiting for queries to set it into motion. Instead, it is constantly refining its structure.

FACE allows creating of dynamic environment that will support multiple interpretations and forms of representation of knowledge. Representation of semantic information as order and graph-theoretical representations, multiposet ontologies, taxonomically organized knowledge structures.


Cultural and artistic aspects

  • Collaboratorium
  • Innovative ideas
  • Arena
  • Self-reflection
  • New patterns
  • Co-responsibility
  • Development of new ideas
  • Social model
  • Distributed curating

Collaboratorium: FACE is dynamic environment that will support cooperation different groups e.g.: artists and scientists.
Inter-disciplinary: FACE allows crossing borders between different fields of knowledge.

Experimental content: FACE deals with the experimental topics in Fine Arts as Software Art, Tactical Media, Hacktivism, and also science fields as Probabilistic Logic and Artificial General Intelligence.

Crossing borders: FACE will be the environment for experimenting with interrogating and overcoming economic, political, and social boundaries in virtual and real space. Face allows build the new groups of innovative artists, curators, theoreticians and emerging and young creators.

Distributed artworks: Idea of construction and processing of concepts as portable product. A source code as artwork. A process of creating and coding as product.

Flexibility: The ability to support multiple artistic tasks, depending on the local need. The information and artistic sourcecodes that has so flexible structure that can be used in many different contexts and as solution for big class of problems.

Distributed curating of arts: There is no one central curating idea and one curator who invite participants. The choice of participants for successive stages of the development of FACE is the responsibility of the curators from FACE Council and those artists already taking part in the project. The distributed curating takes into account differing and often extreme views and concepts during the selection of the next participants.

Merging virtual with real: the online work is connected with some real activities, we are going to give the opportunity to find inspiration and climb many wonderful vistas of thinking by organizing symposiums and conferences.